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Name: Athena2: Vicious Valerie
Studio: Athena2
Price: $ 16.99
Length (hh:mm:ss): 00:25:40
Size (MB): 611 MB
Format: MP4
Resolution: 1280 x 720
Media Type: DOWNLOAD
Description: Meet Valeria Lucca, aka Cory Gates, from Italy . . . one fierce, feisty, energetic wrestler! She takes on a tall, big wimpy guy who just has to challenge her skill and strength from what all he has been hearing around the place. Well . . . . he just does not realize what he has got himself into. Val will leach onto you and never get off! She is like a literal monkey on your back! Watch this entertaining match and see for yourself! Valerie Lucca is getting fiercer and fiercer in her mixed wrestling match debut here. Her headlocks will make you spin, her reverse head scissors will make you want to pass out, she is like a little monkey leaching onto you and never letting go. Literally, she is your monkey on your back! Come join her here and have some great wrestling fun!!! Italian feisty Muscle Gal Valerie is finishing off her opponent in a very energetic wrestling/grappling fight. Painful holds . . .front and reverse head scissors that stick to you like glue . . .Boston crab clutches . . .This woman does not let up!!! Sit back and have fun!!!!!
Status: Available

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