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Name: Family Reunion One part 1
Studio: Last Exit to Brooklyn
Price: $ 6.00
Length (hh:mm:ss): 00:05:03
Size (MB): 374 MB
Format: MP4
Resolution: 654 x 480
Media Type: DOWNLOAD
Description: Karla Nelsen stars as Julie, a girl who as a child, was teased and tormented by her bully of a cousin, Bill. He would harass her, pick on her, and generally be a real pain in the butt! Now, Julie and Bill are all grown up and Bill is visiting his cousin's place, where he intends to enjoy his vacation at the expense of Julie. Thinking that this trip is going to be yet another opportunity to antagonize Julie, he walks up to the house where he is greeted by his aunt. She tells him that she needs his car keys to go and run some errands. As she leaves, she says that Julie will be home soon and can't wait to see him.

Bill proceeds to unpack his bags, while maintaining thoughts of what a great vacation this is going to be. Little does he know that he won't be having fun at his cousin's expense this time. Quite the contrary! Julie has grown up in more ways than one. She's grown massive biceps, defined rock-solid legs, a muscular back as wide as a movie screen, and an unquenchable thirst for revenge against Bill. When she enters the house and Bill gets his first look at her, he exclaims his incredible shock at her enormous size. She hides and he walks through the house with trepidation. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, Julie sneaks up on him and picks him up in an incredible bearhug, squeezing the very life out of him. She sarcastically says, "Hi cuz, boy you are light!" After dropping him, she claims she doesn't want to hurt him, at least not yet.
Status: Available

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