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Clip Details

Name: Silent PDF: Sara
Studio: Amy's Conquest
Price: $ 6.00
Length (hh:mm:ss): 00:01:05
Size (MB): 17 MB
Format: MP4
Resolution: 1023.3193713282978561074235142 x 1448
Media Type: DOWNLOAD
Description: When a young man starts his college years, he quickly befriends a powerful, thickly muscled girl named Sara, who luckily for him lives just down the hall. His lust for such physically superior females comes to fruition, as the sultry supergirl lures him in with feats of strength, which quickly turn into erotic, muscle love-making between them! Sara continues showing off her strength in public, which always gets her man hot and bothered! Whether she overpowers the school's jocks in arm-wrestling, or batters about a large, muscular man in the gym...
Status: Available

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