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Clip Details

Name: Athena2: Muscle Body Guard
Studio: Athena2
Price: $ 16.99
Length (hh:mm:ss): 00:21:45
Size (MB): 424 MB
Format: MP4
Resolution: 1280 x 720
Media Type: DOWNLOAD
Description: Emery Miller has been hired to be a British Consolate's bodyguard. Little does he know because he is expecting a man. In walks, this incredibly gorgeous muscular woman, and he is taken aback. and when she takes off her jacket wow!!! he cannot believe his eyes!! He wants to know she is strong enough to protect him, so she then begins to demonstrate her strength . . . on him!!! Emery has wrestled her British Consolate to the ground proving she can definitely be a good bodyguard to him...
Status: Available

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