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Clip Details

Name: Athena2: Queen of Squeeze Mean Tease
Studio: Athena2
Price: $ 16.99
Length (hh:mm:ss): 00:25:26
Size (MB): 543 MB
Format: MP4
Resolution: 1280 x 720
Media Type: DOWNLOAD
Description: The Queen of Squeeze has just competed in the Nationals Bodybuilding Competitions in Miami over the weekend and is in a Photo Shoot. Watch her pose her lean, hard, and muscular physique set to music. However, about 4 minutes into her routine she hears a rustling in the curtains and discovers an intruder hiding in her room. Well, that is all she needs to go ballistic on him!! He claims he is there for wrestling lessons but has the wrong room . . she says no you are in the right room, ill teach you a few things! And that is exactly what she does!!! Watch her put her stuff all over him, scissors, grapevines, face sitting, Boston crabs, to name a few, plus pile drivers, belly kicking, and belly punching to name a few, and some trampling. . .so don't mess with The Queen, especially after a show!!!
Status: Available

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