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Name: Silent PDF: Jessica's Awakening
Studio: Amy's Conquest
Price: $ 6.00
Length (hh:mm:ss): 00:00:50
Size (MB): 13 MB
Format: MP4
Resolution: 1023.3193713282978561074235142 x 1448
Media Type: DOWNLOAD
Description: College coed Jessica is thrilled when her Uncle comes by for a visit with her family! He too is excited to see his young niece, though such feelings quickly turn to perverted desires when she innocently reveals her super muscular physique! The increasingly lecherous man coaxes the sweet young girl to allow him to touch her rock-hard body; though his plan backfires, as she starts getting more aroused by his actions, causing him to be mangled and crushed within her super strong, embrace! The always Awesome Jupiter I is back, on this classic Michele LeMuscle tale!
Status: Available

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