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Name: Alt Zero: Rose 5'11"; Susan 6'0"
Studio: BMP Clips
Price: $ 10.00
Length (hh:mm:ss): 10:48
Size (MB): 195
Format: MP4
Resolution: 1080x716
Media Type: DOWNLOAD
Description: Following this romp the real fun begins as Rose and Susan play. Susan starts by giving Rose a piggyback ride. While doing this, Susan stopped to do deep knee bends showing off her lifting power. As a crush lover I couldn't help but wish that the little man from the beginning of the tape was there on the floor so that Susan could have stood on him with Rose riding on her back. That poor man would have squished like a tube of toothpaste! Those two women together in one package have to be near or over 340 pounds! To prove her carry power, Susan next had Rose ride up upon her shoulders. And, once again, Susan did deep knee bends with the Amazon riding on her. Then Susan picked up Rose in her arms and finally put her over her shoulder while she carried her about the room. Finally, the women locked arms back to back and took turns bending forward to lift each other into the air.
Status: Available

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