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Clip Details

Name: Athena2: My Mile High Muscle Gal
Studio: Athena2
Price: $ 16.99
Length (hh:mm:ss): 00:15:01
Size (MB): 309 MB
Format: MP4
Resolution: 1280 x 720
Media Type: DOWNLOAD
Description: New to the scene, but unique and unbelievably sexxy, Nikki Now demonstrates her explosive power and great physique in this fantasy domination video. Entering the room, 6% body fat, at 6' tall and 150 lb., Nikki looks just unbelievable! Her intern is waiting on her on the bed and cannot believe his eyes at what he sees. He asks her for a bicep pose, a back pose and all we can say is WOW! She is truly amazing! She then gets on the bed for some fun wrestling and looks at those long, lean, painful legs of hers! Well, ya just gotta see more of this emerging Dyna Bomb! Nikki is really having fun wrapping them long lean muscular thighs around her victim. But, she has a big surprise for him! She tells him she will be right back and back she is! With Knee Hi black patent leather stiletto heel boots making her 7' tall, wow! She is just incredible! And she toys with him on the floor and then stands over him in bed, amazing views guys that you will just for!!!
Status: Available

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