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Name: Silent PDF: College Amazon Adventures (Part 1)
Studio: Amy's Conquest
Price: $ 6.00
Length (hh:mm:ss): 00:01:30
Size (MB): 19 MB
Format: MP4
Resolution: 1023.3193713282978561074235142 x 1448
Media Type: DOWNLOAD
Description: When a trio of titanic teenage muscle girls (and college roommates) return to school, stories of their summer's sexy exploits are excitedly told to one another! In this first part of the series, busty amazon Vanessa tells of how after losing a local beauty pageant (as if), she soon discovered the corrupt ringleader having his way with the winner! Well, that doesn't sit well with the statuesque supergirl, who then proceeds to show him her Amazonian form is clearly the winner of Any contest! Incredible artwork and text by none other than James Stilton from Amazonias.net on this one!
Status: Available

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