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Name: Silent PDF: Heather And Ashley
Studio: Amy's Conquest
Price: $ 6.00
Length (hh:mm:ss): 00:01:05
Size (MB): 11 MB
Format: MP4
Resolution: 1023.3193713282978561074235142 x 1448
Media Type: DOWNLOAD
Description: This story is told to us by Heather herself, as she describes her college years, where she developed not just in womanly curves, but also in incredible physical abilities! Unfortunately, as the years went on this seemed to push away almost all of her friends, all but Ashley, who simply adored the amazing strength! Feelings that finally came out one night at the club, with her showing off her own physical power (beating two giant bouncers in arm-wrestling), though as strong as she was, Heather was still her superior - something they further explored back her place! Fantastic illustrations by Roe and Lucy, on this classic story by The Collector!
Status: Available

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