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Name: PDF: Amy's Conquest: 2020 Folio (David's Trials)
Studio: Amy's Conquest
Price: $ 6.00
Length (hh:mm:ss):
Size (MB):
Format: PDF
Media Type: DOWNLOAD
Description: Not A Video: please note that this is a PDF.
Having recently earned the blessing of Amy's Father, it's now time for him to ask the same of her Mother, Elizabeth! The Muscle Matriarch of course couldn't be more thrilled, though she has a playful idea for Amy's soon-to-be fiancee, one which brings him in contact with those closest to her daughter! In the end, when tasks have been completed, David must then find the perfect time to propose to his one true love Amy, which becomes easier said than done as each attempt ends in unexpected ways! Though with each failure comes a new attempt to prove his love to the beautiful young Amazon, and hopefully his future wife! An end-of-year special story, with artwork from the Iconic Jupiter I!
Status: Available

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