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Name: Coffee Shoppe 1
Studio: BMP Clips
Price: $ 6.00
Length (hh:mm:ss): 6:25
Size (MB): 101
Format: MP4
Resolution: 1088x720
Media Type: DOWNLOAD
Description: Hoistess Will Seat You: An awe-inspiring package of muscle and power demonstrates the most challenging human lift possible. Yes, the 5 foot tall Dawn lifts her male partners OVERHEAD, military press style! If that's not enough, she does not just do this with one guy, she does it with five guys! And don't think that these are some light pushovers. The gentlemen range in weight from 145 pounds up to 200 plus pounds! Absolutely incredible! For this segment alone, every single lift and carry fan in the world should purchase this tape. I'm not exaggerating when I say that I was left breathless at this stunning display of female athleticism.The segment is long and comprehensive. Dawn is in the gym, and in what looks like nothing more than a strength exhibition, she stands and poses next to a set of five gentlemen. Then, one by one, she lifts them overhead, even doing reps with them! She does all of these lifts unassisted! From the ground until they are hoisted high above her, Dawn lifts men outweighing her by well over 50 pounds. Nothing else can be said about this segment except that you will regret missing out on it if you don't see it. Outside, Dawn shows us why she is one of the strongest women alive, as she takes her love of lifts to even new heights. She carries two guys at a time on her shoulders! She lifts them all with such ease that you have to wonder if she's even human! But human she is, and you will thrill to each and every lift that she accomplishes in what I consider the most ground breaking segment in lift/carry history!
Status: Available

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