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Name: Silent PDF: Lucina's Hood
Studio: Amy's Conquest
Price: $ 6.00
Length (hh:mm:ss): 00:02:40
Size (MB): 26 MB
Format: MP4
Resolution: 1024.6363775082017242694743267 x 1326
Media Type: DOWNLOAD
Description: When a gorgeous hulking Latina Amazon emerges from her parent's home to start an early morning workout, she is surprised by the sounds of someone coming from the basement apartment! Thinking this man may be an intruder, she confronts him, shocking him with her towering physique! Though intimidation quickly turns to adoration as she realizes he is a childhood friend, one she now wants to get closer with, thankfully for him, that is something he would very much like as well; as the two young lovers exchange tender touches and kisses, before making their way back inside! Great CGI artwork from Mr. Lex, on a story written by him, fnemot, Bicep Fun, Mlcred and Cwnoss!
Status: Available

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