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Name: Debbie Bramwell MFMC Video 1
Studio: Mighty Female Muscle Comix Productions
Price: $ 20.00
Length (hh:mm:ss): 00:29:02
Size (MB): 3 GB
Format: MP4
Resolution: 1280 x 720
Media Type: DOWNLOAD
Description: Debbie Bramwell is an all time great Female Bodybuilder and I was lucky enough to record this posing session with her the day of one of her last FBB competitions. She is in unreal shape her, her vascularity and just the shredded sinews that she has on display are breathtaking.
Her arms just massive, beefy, bulging, biceps that Conan would be proud of.
This video is over 28 minutes of posing. Lots of flexing and muscle control in this video. Pec Flexing, most muscular, she hits all the shots and even shows off her legs at the end.
FBB's don't get any better than Debbie and you're going to enjoy this posing video of her.
Status: Available

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